From The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM)
Check the roof of your house, hurricane shutters, hooks and latches thoroughly and repair where necessary.
Make sure that galvanized sheeting on the roof of your house is properly fastened.
Keep in stock extra plastic bags and sheets of plastic. Plastic is essential to prevent important documents, paintings, equipment and furniture from getting wet.
Keep handy a supply of lumber, plywood, timber, etc. for battening down purposes.
Trim trees that touch power lines or hang over the house and other buildings.
Working condition as these may be necessary.
Make sure that emergency cooking facilities such as coal stoves are in good Make sure you have a supply of kerosene and coal. Keep coal dry by wrapping in a plastic bag or other waterproof material.
Latch down securely all small buildings in the yard such as outdoor kitchens, pit latrines, tool sheds, barns, etc.
Store extra food, especially things that can be eaten without cooking or which need very little preparation. Electricity may be off during a hurricane, leaving you without refrigeration.
Place emergency food supply in a waterproof container and store in a closed box, cupboard or trunk.
Make sure you have emergency equipment in your home. These include waterboots, raincoats, flashlights, batteries, portable radio, kerosene lamps and matches.
Have simple first-aid equipment such as iodine, bandages, eye lotion, etc. at home.
Know how to find the nearest shelter. The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) or your Parish Disaster Committee (PDC) can give you the location of the shelter nearest you.
Plan the safest possible route to the nearest safe shelter if you must leave.